A Community of the Spirit by Rumi✨
There is a community of the spirit.✨
Join it, and feel the delight of walking in the noisy street and being the noise.✨
Drink all your passion and be a disgrace.✨
Close both eyes to see with the other eye.✨
Open your hands if you want to be held.✨Consider what you have been doing.✨
Why do you stay with such a mean-spirited and dangerous partner?✨
For the security of having food. 1✨
Admit it.✨
Here is a better arrangement.✨
Give up this life, and get a hundred new lives.✨
Sit down in this circle.✨
Quit acting like a wolf, and feel the shepherd's love filling you.✨
At night, your beloved wanders.✨
Do not take painkillers.✨
Tonight, no consolations.✨
And do not eat.✨
Close your mouth against food.✨
Taste the lover's mouth in yours.✨
You moan, But she left me. He left me.✨Twenty more will come.✨
Be empty of worrying.✨
Think of who created thought.✨
Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?✨
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.✨
Live in silence.✨
Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.✨
#rumi #mysticpoetry #yoga #blissfulbutterfly #acommunityofthespirit #humantribe #openheart #thirdeye #wisdom #letgo #surrender #flow #silence #releasefear #trust #faith #youaredivine #youarelove
