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Adventure Sparks Divinity

Writer's picture: Veronica CarpenterVeronica Carpenter

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

My morning adventure was waking up at 3am to drive to see the sunrise. It felt fucking phenomenal to do this for myself. As I stood, danced, sang, breathed, and moved my body- I mindfully spoke to God/Goddess/Universal Oneness, voiced my gratitude and asked to be an open vessel of light and love for Source to work through in support of humanity and Earth. When I was very young I loved God, then in my Roman Catholic gradeschool and Eastern Orthodox High School years- religion slowly and steadily stole God from me. I was told that God should be feared and there was only one right way to walk the path to God. For years I cringed at the words "Jesus" and "God." Then I found Yoga in my 20's. Something within me lit up again like it did when I was about 5-8 years old, a feeling of being connected to something much larger than myself , I called this entity "The Universe." Now I no longer cringe with the word God because I know this entity has no limits, no bounds, no one way to be found. Yoga gave me back the remembering of my connection to all that is- the Oneness of all creation. During today's trip I gave myself a 20 minute Svasana, which for a long time was the most difficult posture for me to be in- the surrender, the complete letting go was nearly impossible for my mind. However, it's in this space of stillness that I can truly tap into the subtle God/Goddess frequency that lives within me. This is the magic of yoga- all the moving, breathing, discipline through applying yogalifestyle principles, mindfulness, spiritual study and intention setting are to get to the place of pure awareness, where everything falls away through surrender and all that's left is the essence of the Spirit Source. That Spirit lives in the body and so caring for the body, breath, emotions, intellect and wisdom creates optimal flow of life force throughout and gives the Soul a comfortable home to reside in. Sharing yogic wisdom for me is a calling from God, it's a gift I can give back to the world, reminding humans of their Divinity.

See details below on how to join me virtually for philosophy enriched hatha yoga classes. My teaching style is lighthearted, playful and trauma informed.


Thursday's at 10am EST join me for Virtual Vin/Yin. A 75 minute all levels. Half gentle heat building hatha/vinyasa followed by half cooling surrender yin. Livestream through Zoom.

🌟Pre-registration required

🌟Class details and full schedule found at

🌟"Livestream Classes" Tab

🌟link in bio on IG


No worries if you can't make class time- I now have an On Demand video library with all weekly classes uploaded after class ends! Visit "Video Library" tab on website. Videos can be rented individually or you can purchase a monthly subscription.


🎶 Sweet Spotify playlist offered for classes, new one created weekly to connect with theme visit "Spotify Playlist" tab on website to follow me🎶

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