Although I am feeling anxiety/frustration with many things at the moment (including pushing my move out date and not knowing exactly when I will be moving to my new apartment, loosing the majority of my income, not being able to buy a webcam because they are out of stock everywhere, having audio/sound issues with my live classes, not being able to see and hug all my peeps, not knowing if when I go grocery shopping Friday I will be able to get things that I need... then I need to be stocked for 14 days to self quarantine after going into the community, etc, etc, etc) I don't let the anxiety/frustration rule me. I come back to gratitude for all my blessings- this sweet space to do my broadcasting from, students who attend my classes and read me poems, being able to eat healthy food that do have, my beautiful friends and soul family connections, the beauty of virtual connection, each full breath I take, each smile I spread, trusting that there is a reason behind all of the loss that is happening to everyone. We are going through a collective trauma. We are as humanity experiencing the effects of being in/living in a global crisis. We have valid fears, stressors, etc. Be kind to yourself through this. Yoga teaches: Loving kindness and compassion above all else (for Self and all beings). Nature/The Universe is coming in and knocking down/clearing out of all things that don't serve the highest good for all. No some of the shit doesn't make sense- it's sad, scary, confusing, messy, dark, life altering. What I know from the experience of living through crisis and traumatic events in my life is that- things get cleared out for a reason- to build resiliency, to increase awareness, to build strength. I know that I am not the center of the Universe- I am an equal part of the whole. We collectively are moving towards harmony. It might feel fucking awful- but we will get through this as a whole.
In order for me to show up and spread the love that we all need right now- I am blessed to have this time to nurture myself on all levels, I am blessed to be able to share with you in this way.
How are you blessed in this moment?
How are you taking care of yourself?
How can I be of service to you?
How can you be of service to the highest good?
Heal the Earth by healing yourself.
Find balance in the chaos by balancing the energy within you.
Be open to endless possibilities and release all expectations- yes it's hard as fuck to do this- do your best.
Surround yourself with inspiration.
Stay informed but then find your center- the thread of love that connects us all.
Find Balance. Find balance. find Balance.
If you need guidance please read the stuff I've been writing about in my blogs. Specifically: "Thriving and Surviving in a Global Pandemic" and "Tap Into Spirit."
If you can't make a live class with me reach out for a recording- I'm actively working on sound stuff, doing my best. I'm attempting to manifest a web cam with microphone or the weird glitch from last night to magically clear itself up because all troubleshooting scans say it's working fine. Insert sad emoji, bawling crying emoji, pulling my hair out emoji
I also do 1:1 virtual privates or yoga therapy case study sessions. Reach out!
Don't know what yoga therapy is?
Ask me questions!
I love to talk about all things yoga, yoga therapy, self love, healing, trauma recovery, stress management, anxiety management, overall health, pain management, you name it, if it as to do with yoga's healing benefits- I like to spread my knowledge about it.