This upcoming week in classes we will take a look at fear, or Abhinivesa, which is the 5th and final Hindrance of the Mind spoken about in the Yoga Sutras. Death is partners with why live in fear of the inevitable?! Learn to live in appreciation for each and every moment you are gifted with life. 🌟🕉🦋🕉🌟 Side note: Happy 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal activation. How are you celebrating? I have been working with the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, you can pretty much see it on my face. It's all for the Divine 🌟 ☮🌟💜🌟🕉🦋🕉🌟💜🌟☮ #blissfulbutterfly #blissfulbutterflyyoga #yoga #yogateacher #yogateacherslife #yogapractice #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #traumainformedyoga #yogatherapy #harekrishna #yogi #meditation #yogajourney #yogalifestyle #hathayoga #faceyourfear #asana #lionsgate #mindfulness #love #peace
