🌟Here is a quick little run down of the Kleshas or the Hindrances of the Mind according to Yoga Philosophy.
💜These are the messiness culprits in the mind that move us away from being in alignment with our most authentic selves and keep us in our own human drama. The first step in not allowing them to run the show is noticing them, and then notice that you noticed them. Simple awareness helps to weaken them. Over time with consistent effort they fade and your Highest Self gets louder.
🌟A regular Hatha Yoga practice can assist you with becoming more aware of how to get out of the mind mess, into the present moment and teach you how to drop into your heart- where your True Self lives. Physical Yoga practice literally gives you tools to chill out mind as you nourish all parts of your being so that you can tune into the voice of your Soul.
🕉If this sounds interesting join me virtually livestream or On Demand anytime! I teach Classical Yoga philosophy infused classes in an easily digestible, lighthearted, playful and trauma informed way.
🦋All details about group classes and all virtual offerings found at www.blissfulbutterflyyoga.com
🌟link in bio on IG 🌟
💜Im also an Internationally Certified Yoga Therapist, if interested in learning how to bring Yoga more deeply into your life to promote your overall wellness reach out.
#blissfulbutterfly #blissfulbutterflyyoga #yoga #hathayoga #traumainformedyoga #ciayt #peace #yogaforall #authenticity #yogawisdom #truth #spiritualjourney #love #loveyourself #selfcare #selflove #yogalove #yogalife #mentalhealth #wellness #wisdom #yogaphilosophy #breathe #mindfulness #heal #meditation #stressrelief #highestself #justbreathe
