I've found my calling- to bring peace, love and Yoga into the world! For people of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities. I've taught autistic preschoolers, typically developing children and adults of all ages up to 70+ in my over 12 years of teaching. In my 9:30am virtal class today, through Live and Joy Yoga in Audubon NJ, I had the intentions seen here, I taught dressed up (minus the wings and beads) and played John Lennon's "Imagine" during Svasana. I believe in magic because I see it everyday. Open your eyes to the beauty all around you. All of it. Life lessons and muck also bring about beauty in time. Remember that you are Divine and connected to all that is. I speak to the flower children... To those who know the power found through connection to Spirit.✨
To see my schedule see the Online Classes tab on my website.
🦋☮🌻🌎✨🌏🌻☮🦋#blissfulbutterfly #yoga #peace #love #liveinjoy #njyoga #onlineyoga #flowerchild #imagine #johnlennon #loveroflife #dreamer #youmaysayimadreamer #imheretochangetheworld #inspired #bethelight #spirit #thirdeye #youaredivine #youarelove #believeinmagic #svasana #yogatherapy #movementismedicine #selfcare #playfulness #joy #hippielove #hippie #youbelongsomewhereyoufeelfree
