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Inspiration: It's More Than Okay

Writer: Veronica CarpenterVeronica Carpenter

✨A little midweek inspiration to support you in your perfectly imperfect journey of life. We all get lost in our humanness sometimes, the writing in the slideshow is a little reminder that you aren’t alone in your messiness.

✨Full poem in case you want to read it all together:

It's More Than Okay...

It’s okay to be messy.

It’s okay to be a perfectly imperfect work in progress.

It’s okay to be exactly where you are.

It’s okay to not have all the answers.

(No one knows how things will turn out anyway)

It’s okay to fall.

It’s okay to begin again.

It’s okay to change your mind.

It’s okay to set a boundary.

It’s okay to backout of something.

It’s okay to move on.

(Even if you don’t know what is coming next)

It’s okay to stop efforting 100% of the time.

It’s okay to give to yourself first before giving out to the world.

It’s okay to take time for fun and for rest.

It’s okay to find the light.

It’s okay to laugh at yourself and your predicament.

It’s okay to take time to enjoy the little things in life.

(It’s also okay to sometimes be in the dark)

It’s okay to miss deadlines.

It’s okay to admit if you’ve made a mistake.

It’s okay to forgive yourself.

It’s okay to say you’re sorry if you really mean it.

It’s okay to voice your emotions in healthy ways.

It’s okay to cry.

(It’s okay to be scared of doing these things)

It’s okay to stand alone sometimes.

It’s also okay to ask for help.

It’s okay to be exactly who you are.

Its’s okay to be unique.

It’s okay to embrace all of you.

It’s okay to let go of your harsh inner critic.

(It’s okay if you don’t know how to do these things yet)

The perfectionist in you is the ego.

Which was imprinted as you grew up by role models and society.

It’s okay to see this voice inside for what it is and start to question it.

It’s okay to push back against those “musts” “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” in your mind.

It’s okay to be different from how you were always told you were supposed to be.

It’s okay to let go of who you used to be and what you used to believe in.

(Embracing change is called growth and evolution)

This is how you tune into your Highest Self.

The loving, courageous, strong, and wise one within.

It’s okay to not be aligned with this part of yourself all the time.

Every time you notice you’ve drifted away from love,

You just bring yourself back.

Time and time again.

(You just keep coming home to yourself)

Back to this moment, back to this breath,

Trusting that not one step is out of line, it is all necessary and more than okay.

What is meant for you will never miss you.

Your timeline is yours and no one else's.

Practice: Acceptance of all that is,

Patience for what is to come,

Gratitude for all you have, and

Trust that everything is working out as it's meant to.

(Even if you don't understand it)

Spirit is intuitive, mysterious and lives in the heart.

The Divine works in ways that logic cannot grasp.

It's okay to be confused, just keep going.

💜I currently lead 5 live online accessible group yoga classes a week to support souls getting out of their mind drama through connecting with body, breath, intention and Spirit.

✨I offer drop in rates and 2 options for monthly memberships which include access to my On Demand video library of over 200 classes.

🎶I also have a plethora of Spotify playlists to choose from if you are seeking music to support you getting out of your mind and into the moment.

✨Full details, and reserve your spot on Online Yoga Classes tab of my website:



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