✨️A wish for humans-
💜May you learn to love yourself always
Just as you are
From the tip of your head
To the tips of your toes
Love yourself
✨️Especially the softness of your low belly.
I don't usually show my belly-
But the belly deserves to be loved.
So here's my belly to remind you to be kind to yours.
🧡This is the home of our emotions, as well as our passion and pleasure center. Care of the gut supports allowing yourself to enjoy life, to get excited about things, to be attuned to what brings you joy.
✨️Many of us, especially women, judge our bellies. We fill it energetically with toxic judgments about itself and we feed it garbage. We forget that-
🧡Bellies are meant to be soft and fluid like water. We want the energy in the belly to flow so be sure to take time to let your belly go! (Thats for those who keep sucking it in, its ok to let it out. )
💜Also- Take note that the low belly will tell you when you're not caring for it so be mindful of the foods you eat. Stop ignoring what your body is telling you. Dare to take care of yourself.
✨️Consume foods that your tummy feels good about. Cut out/lessen those things you know hurt your belly. Drink a lot of water.
✨️Because life is an opportunity to love yourself, all of yourself, especially your belly.
💜No time like the present to begin making healthy shifts in your life.
✨️Be sure to practice gratitude along the way when you see yourself making bits of progress and take note of effects! Keep moving forward.
🦋I am a Certified Yoga Therapist. This post is an example of a therapeutic Yoga lifestyle lesson. To find out more about Yoga Therapy visit Yoga Therapy tab at
Or message me directly
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