💜One main reason that I am here on Earth is to support the welfare of children. I've been working professionally with children since 2003. I spent 13 years in the direct mental health field with children on the Autism Spectrum, specializing in Relationship Based Therapy with preschoolers. I left the field in 2017.
✨️I've spent the past 4.5 years providing private childcare in homes prominently with typically developing children.
💜Today was a day that filled me with so much joy when I got to engage in an impromptu play date with the 4.5 year old I hang out with and two neighborhood 7 year olds.
✨️The play blossomed naturally with some mild support on my end. All activities included leaf collecting, wagon pulling, abandoned yard exploring, trampoline jumping, hole digging and bug finding.
💜The little guy I support has been in my life since he was 3 months old. I have watched him grow since the beginning. It's been an honor to be a part of his team. Today allowed me to support his social skills with other children and felt heart warming to unexpectedly get to engage in that experience with him.
✨️During our play, I found this leaf, I put it on my alter to thank the Divine Source for all the children that I have been able to support over the years. I'm so grateful to be a steward of children in this lifetime. Today brought me much happiness and gratitude.
💜Thanks for letting me share.
🦋Stay tuned for more official offerings coming soon to open myself as an Early Childhood Caregiver Support Resource, follow @blissfulbutterflykids on IG.
💜All about me: www.blissfulbutterflyyoga.com
#blissfulbutterfly #blissfulbutterflyyoga #blissfulbutterflykids #yoga #parentresource #parentsupport #mindfulparenting #spiritualparenting #compassionateparenting #consciousparenting #toddlerlife #bigfeelings #emotionalregulation #earlychildhood #doitdifferently #dirfloortime
#coregulation #emotionalregulation #emotionalhealth #staycalm #staypresent #intention #mindfulness #love #compassion #selfcare #selflove #havefun #play #socialskills
