✨️This is 42.
💜My heart is full. I couldn't ask for a more beautiful day to celebrate how far I've come in my time here on earth. What a wild interesting ride. Feeling grateful today for all the hard work I put in to change, evolve and grow over the years. It hasn't been easy, but it has definitely been worth it.
✌️Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I'm feeling the love for sure, in case you couldn't tell from the smile on my face.
💜I couldn't decide, with or without my sunnies so you get both. It's the little silly things that bring me joy.
🤘Also feeling badass rocking the buzz. If you or anyone you know is experiencing hairloss know that you are beautiful with or without hair. True beauty is an internal job.
#blissfulbutterflyyoga #blissfulbutterfly #yoga #birthdaygirl #gemini #junebaby #junebug #smile #love #peace #joy #evolve #change #heal #shine #capemay #beachdays #androgenicalopecea #alopecia #buzzedbeauty #femalehairloss #beyou #beauty #truebeauty #hippielove #hippieheart #itsmymothafuckinbirthday