🌟Pictured here is something I drew circa 2016 during one of the most devastating years of my life. What I thought was going to be magical move in 2015 turned out to be the most uncomfortable unfolding I've ever experienced which lasted through 2019. ❤️🔥In 2015 I wound up in a relationship that triggered every single one of my childhood wounds. It led to a shattering of who I thought I was supposed to be, a falling apart which was the catalyst in a series of catastrophic life events that followed. You could say it was my most messy caterpillar phase. ❤️🔥This full life falling apart included, the loss of: a fiance, contact w his children, a job of 9 years due loss of funding, a total loss car accident, and the ending of a relationship with a close relative due to deep familial wounds and choosing to be a breaker of cycles in my family. 🌟I turned the job loss in 2017 into an opportunity to participate in a month long immersion at an Ashram in VA, Yogaville, in what was called the Living Yoga Training Program. It was there that I learned about Yoga Therapy and was inspired to find a program. 💜 I was able to breathe a bit more each following year with persistence in healing through learning, studying and applying Comprehensive Yoga Therapy in my life through studying at YogaLife Institute. 🕉I am so grateful for all of this. Each step of my journey has brought me to who I am today.... which includes being an Internationally Certified Yoga Therapist who lives Yoga 24/7 and serves the community through my Sole Proprietary business Blissful Butterfly Yoga. 🦋I literally turned my brokenness into my wisdom. The shattering was ultimately inspiration for diving into my studies, understanding and personal healing so that I could then spread the healing practice and principles of Yoga. My brokenness also gave me the courage to share my story as medicine for others to inspire them to do the work for themselves. 🌟Back in 2016 I had never heard this Rumi quote but clearly tapped into the wisdom behind it when I began my deep dive into brokenness. ❤️🔥I share this story with you as inspiration in case you need to hear it. I trust this will find who it is meant to. 🌟Keep going if you are in the falling apart, the shattering, I promise you the brokenness truly is where the light gets in. 🕉How I currently give back by sharing my knowledge: Group Hatha Yoga Classes Monthly Safe Share Soulhood Circles Quarterly Ritual Burn Soulhood Circle Yoga Therapy 1:1 (*groups sessions coming for more cost effective option in dealing with symptoms of stress and anxiety if I hear of interest) Personalized Yoga Therapy Videos Free On Demand Yoga Video Library Paid On Demand Yoga Video Library Budding Service: Early Childhood Caregiver Support Follow @blissfulbutterflykids To see all full virtual offering details- visit www.blissfulbutterflyyoga.com 🌟link in bio on IG🌟 ☮️🌟💜🌟🕉🦋🕉🌟💜🌟☮️ #blissfulbutterfly #blissfulbutterflyyoga #yoga #gratitude #ciayt #yogatherapist #inspiration #yogainspiration #yogalife #truth #yogalove #spiritualjourney #wisdom #shine #breathe #mentalhealth #yogalifestyle #heal #rumi #openheart #breakyourheartopen #mindfulness #love #peace #selflove #loveyourself #selfcare #earlychildhood #caregiversupport #yogatherapy
