🕉If interested in learning about the 5 different paths of Yoga (Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Raja and Tantra) during guided breathing, movement and relaxation then stop on by this week to Livestream Classes. Or visit my On Demand video library where I have various levels and formats of Hatha yoga classes highlighting each path! Practice with me anytime!
All details found at www.blissfulbutterflyyoga.com 🌟link in bio on IG 🌟
🦋I'm also an Internationally Certified Yoga Therapist. If interested in learning more about how Yoga practices and principles can be personalized to fit your needs and support you in living life as your most awesome Self reach out directly Veronica@blissfulbutterflyyoga.com ☮🌟💜🌟🕉🦋🕉🌟💜🌟☮ #blissfulbutterfly #blissfulbutterflyyoga #yoga #yogaeveryday #yogaeverydamnday #ramdass #yogaforall #traumainformedyoga #ciayt #yogatherapy #spiritualwisdom #peace #love #loveyourself #selfcare #selflove #wisdom #manypathsonetruth #yogalove #yogalife #yogaphilosophy #truth #mentalhealth #wellness
